Friday, October 3, 2014

October has begun, and I’ve worked on my novel maybe once since arriving here. I’m still wondering if it’s the new atmosphere that is causing me to feel as though I’m not in the mood to work.

I’m in love with this novel…it’s like my spouse and my child all in one. I know that’s a strange way to put it, as I’m not yet in a relationship nor do I have my own children at this time, so I don’t exactly know what those kind of relationships are like…. Nevertheless I feel as though this novel encourages and supports me, and also that it is something I must nurture and build up. It makes me wonder if writers make good parents?

Well at least I’ve been blogging and doing homework. I mean, schoolwork is and should be my first priority. I’ve thankfully been doing a lot of doodling and sketching during class…yah I know I should be paying attention, but lectures are long and not all of my professors stay on topic themselves. When their minds begin to wander so does mine, right to the page in front of me. It isn’t like I’m not listening or anything! I am…most of the time.

I also think I’ve put on weight. I haven’t gone to the gym since I’ve arrived…not that I’m much of a gym person. I’m active, but I have a fast metabolism so I don’t have to work out as much as say my parents. I’ve definitely begun to notice a change in my health though and I don’t like it. I haven’t been feeling well recently and I believe it’s because of what I’m eating. I would never eat this much at home and because I’m not exercising it’s making me feel worse. Plus I’ve been a little stressed out as I’ve had many tests and assignments recently, and even though they’re light weight compared to what my friends doing the sciences have, it is still a bit stressful.

This week especially was pretty frustrating. I ran out of print credits before I needed to hand in two assignments, I’m out of laundry money because the dryer robbed me of a $1.70 and I’m exhausted because I stayed up late because I wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t sleep. I’ve had a headache since I got here. I can’t believe I’ve been here a month….I feel adjusted. I don’t have a hard time adapting to new situations, however I’m exhausted. I can’t recall ever feeling this tired this often. I feel like an old person….and I’m eighteen.

Well, I’ve complained enough for one day. I’m debating on whether or not it’s a good idea to head home and see the family this weekend. I mean, I’m going home for Thanks Giving in a week (Canadian), so I’ll see them then…. I honestly don’t know.

My Dad says I need to stop saying, “I don’t know,” because apparently I’ve been saying it in every conversation I’ve had with him for the past two weeks. Yah…sorry about that Dad.

I guess I’ll end it here for today. I feel like I’ve just rambled on and on and on and on. So I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, and that you all stay healthy and strong and don’t get stressed out over anything. Hopefully the weather stays nice!

Oh and for anyone who has midterms right now, keep up the good work and stay golden.

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